About Us
Incorporated in 1976, the Disabled Resources Center was founded by Jerry Stein, Lee Tardy and Warren Moss. Guided by the vision and dedication of the founders, the services offered by DRC evolved from giving information and referrals, to providing over 20 programs and services to thousands of people each year in the cities of Artesia, Avalon, Cypress, Hawaiian Gardens, Lakewood, La Palma, Long Beach, Seal Beach, and Signal Hill: plus, many more cities in Los Angeles County and Orange County, California.
Most of the staff members are people with disabilities, as are the members of the Board of Directors, who provide positive role models for other people with disabilities. The mission of the agency is, “To empower people with disabilities to live independently in the community, to make their own decisions about their lives and to advocate on their own behalf”.

Dolores Nason

Mario Rodriguez

Susan Pearson

Samantha Mam

Gino Elliot

Khanny Ou

Gail Thomas

Richard Hernandez

Vincent Johnson

Zaid Moges

Mugi Miyazaki

Guadalupe Gracian

Betty Cruz

Adrienne Crew

Nicole Jauregui
Board of Directors

Gail Morrison

Mary Zendejas

Jennifer Kumiyama

Vincent Ewing

Heather Schmoll

Robert Graves

Richard Gibson

Chaka Garbutt

Margaret Vento-Wilson

Henry Broadbent
Supporters and Funders
The Board of Directors and Staff of DRC greatly appreciate all the people and organizations that have made contributions throughout the year.
Department of Health and Human Services, CARES; Public Health Workforce Program
Department of Rehabilitation, AB204; Assistive Technology; Employment Services; Transitional Funding Grant, Convalescent Home Transition; Tier Augmentation; Transitional Youth; Voice Options Program
LA Metro, Mobility and Travel Training
Supervisor Janice Hahn, 4th District, Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, Health & Social Services
General Operating Funds
Otto P. Berdach Trust
California Foundation for Independent Living Centers
Disaster Disability Access and Resources Program
Edison International
Josephine S. Gumbiner Foundation
Long Beach Homeless Coalition
Long Beach Mayor’s Fund to End Homelessness
Earl B. & Loraine H. Miller Foundation
Transitional Youth Services
Ethel J. Scantland Foundation, Employment Services
Stater Bros. Foundation
Youth Services
Jerry Stein Living Trust
United Way
Los Angeles County Emergency Food & Shelter Program
2760 Spring Street, LLC
Access Services LA
Farmers & Merchants Bank
Foothill Transit
Long Beach Gives
Long Beach Transit
Meltdown Management LLC
Advancement Group
MTM Transit
Molina Health Care
Global Paratransit
United Way
Union Bank
Your gift today helps DRC to continue to help its consumers toward independent living. See the list below for ways you can help DRC make this possible:
Gifts of Cash
Cash gifts are of vital importance because they can be immediately applied to services for our consumers.
In-kind contributions include gifts of professional services, equipment and other tangible items that can be used by DRC.
Planned Gifts
The most common form of a planned gift is a bequest. DRC can be named as a beneficiary in a will. All charitable requests are fully tax deductible. Distinctive naming opportunities and recognition are available.
Amazon Smile
Your shopping makes a difference. Do your regular Amazon shopping at smile.amazon.com/ch/51-0204442 and Amazon donates to Disabled Resources Center Inc.
Donate Your Time
Become a volunteer and spend that free time with us. We are always looking for people to assist us around the office. For more information, be sure to check out the volunteer section under the Programs tab.
United Way Employee Campaign
If your work place participates in the United Way Employee Campaign, you can help DRC by filling out Section C – Designated Gift and naming Disabled Resources Center as the recipient of your contribution. Simply enter our information from the home page and use our agency code: 15886
Real / Personal Property & Securities
These gifts offer substantial tax advantages to the donor. Sale of these items by the organization offers the same flexibility as cash gifts.
Notifying the Public of Rights Under Title VI Disabled Resources Center, Inc.
• Disabled Resources Center, Inc. (DRC) operates its programs and services without regard to race, color, and national origin in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. Any person who believes she or he has been aggrieved by any unlawful discriminatory practice under Title VI may file a complaint with DRC.
• For more information on DRC’s civil rights program, and the procedures to file a complaint, contact 562-427-1000 (TTY 562-427-1366); email title.vi.complaint@drcinc.org; or visit our administrative office at 2750 East Spring Street, Suite 100, Long Beach, CA 90806. For more information, visit www.drcinc.org.
• A complainant may file a complaint directly with the Federal Transit Administration by filing a complaint with the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), Office of Civil Rights, Region IX, San Francisco Federal Building, 90, 7th Street, Suite 15-300, San Francisco, CA 94103.
• If information is needed in another language, contact 562-427-1000.
In order to comply with 49 CFR Section 21.9 (b), the following complaint procedure will be followed by DRC in the event that any person believes that he or she, individually, or as a member of any specific class of persons, has been excluded from participation in, been denied the benefits of, or been subjected to discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, sexual orientation, disability or income level, with regard to:
• The availability and equitable distribution of mobility training services and benefits;
• The level and quality of mobility training services that are sufficient to provide equal access and mobility for all persons;
• The opportunity to participate in the mobility training planning and decision-making processes; and
• The right to fair decisions on the location of mobility training.
Notificar al Público de los Derechos Bajo Título VI
Disabled Resources Center, Inc.
• Disabled Resources Center, Inc. (DRC) opera sus programas y servicios sin distinción de raza, color, o origen nacional, con arreglo al Título VI de la Ley de Derechos Civiles. Cualquier persona que cree que él o ella ha sido agraviado por cualquier práctica discriminatoria ilegal bajo el Título VI puede presentar una queja con DRC.
• Para obtener más información sobre el programa derechos civiles de DRC y los procedimientos para presentar una queja, comuníquese con 562-427-1000 (TTY 562-427-1366); correo electrónico title.vi.complaint@drcinc.org; o visite nuestra oficina administrativa en 2750 East Spring Street, Suite 100, Long Beach, CA 90806. Para obtener más información, visite www.drcinc.org.
• El demandante puede presentar una queja directamente ante la Federal Transit Administration para archivar una queja con la Oficina de Derechos Civiles, Atención: Coordinador del Programa Título VI, Region IX, San Francisco Federal Building, 90, 7th Street, Suite 15-300, San Francisco, CA 94103.
• Si necesita mas información en otro idioma, llame al 562-427-1000.
Job Announcements
DRC currently has job openings for new Personal Assistants (PA), who are interested in becoming IN-HOME CAREGIVERS to DRC’s consumers. Working as a Personal Assistant can consist of one or more of the following jobs: personal care, bathing, dressing, cooking, driving, shopping, and general housekeeping.
Disabled Resources Center
2750 E. Spring Street, Ste #100
Long Beach, CA 90806
Telephone: (562) 427-1000
TTY: (562) 427-1366
Fax: (562) 427-2027
E-Mail: info@drcinc.org
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