Each of the program and service links listed will take you to the web page for that particular program or service. Within these web pages, you will find a description of the program or service and the email address for the DRC staff member who can assist you.
Assistive Technology (AT)
AT Equipment Loan Program
Vincent Johnson (vjohnson@drcinc.org)
Samantha Mam (samanthamam@drcinc.org)
Mario Rodriguez (mrodriguez@drcinc.org)
Personal Assistant,Mobility Training
Khanny Ou (kou@drcinc.org)
Benefits Education, Individual
Grace Lopez (glopezs@drcinc.org)
Transitional Youth Program(Ages 14-24)
Gino Elliot (gelliot@drcinc.org)
Volunteers/Intern Opportunities
Dolores Nason (d.nason@drcinc.org)
Alice Bruns (abruns@drcinc.org )
Zaid Moges (zmoges@drcinc.org )
Kate Adamson, Community Liaison for Employment Services (kadamson@drcinc.org )
Richard Burnett and Grace Lopez (rburnett@drcinc.org or glopez@drcinc.org)
Warm Hands for Wheelchair
Richard Hernandez
Covered CA Information & Assistance Medi-Cal Provider
Richard Hernandez(rhernandez@drcinc.org)
Admin Assistant,
Employment Services
Gail Thomas (gthomas@drcinc.org)