Your gift today helps DRC to continue to help its consumers toward independent living.
See the list below for ways you can help DRC make this possible:
Gifts of Cash
Cash gifts are of vital importance because they can be immediately applied to services for our consumers.
In-kind contributions include gifts of professional services, equipment and other tangible items that can be used by DRC.
Planned Gifts
The most common form of a planned gift is a bequest. DRC can be named as a beneficiary in a will. All charitable requests are fully tax deductible. Distinctive naming opportunities and recognition are available.
Donate Your Time
Become a volunteer and spend that free time with us. We are always looking for people to assist us around the office. For more information, be sure to check out the volunteer section under the Programs tab.
United Way Employee Campaign
If your work place participates in the United Way Employee Campaign, you can help DRC by filling out Section C - Designated Gift and naming Disabled Resources Center as the recipient of your contribution. Simply enter our information from the home page and use our agency code: 15886
Real / Personal Property & Securities
These gifts offer substantial tax advantages to the donor. Sale of these items by the organization offers the same flexibility as cash gifts.