Personal Assistance
The goal of the Personal Assistant (PA) Services program is to provide a PA referral to consumers to meet their needs & to help them to live independently in their own home.
This is a brief description of the service:
Services Provision:
- A.Personal Assistance (PA) Services
• PA referrals
• Training on employer/employee rights
• IHSS ( In-Home Supportive Services) benefit information
B. Intake / Assessment
- 1. Type of assistant needed
- 2. Refer possible PA
- a.) Referrals to other sources needed (e.g. PASC, SEIU)
- 3. Source of payment (e.g. IHSS)
- 4. Workshop for consumer on how to interview / hire PA
- 5. Follow-up to determine progress on goals
Personal Assistant Services
Khanny Ou
(562) 427-1000 ext. 122